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Wildest Dreams: Logan Adjunct Professor Joins Taylor Swift: Eras Tour

偶尔会有千载难逢的机会出现. 柯蒂斯·威尔德斯, 博士学位, 纬度, 空中交通管制, 二者, (欧盟), 这个机会来自去年3月的一个电话.

“I had just received a contract to provide performance medicine services for a residency show in Las Vegas at the Wynn,” said the adjunct professor for both Logan’s Master of Science in 力量与调节 理学硕士学位 体育科学 & 康复项目. “我觉得我在正确的地方,做了正确的事情. Then I received a phone call that changed my life—I was asked to join the Taylor Swift: Eras Tour.”

威尔德斯接受了运动医学治疗师的职位, 11天后, 他开始了旋风式的一年, 在美国旅行, 中美洲和南美洲.

可能是博士. Wildes’ early career mindset that has opened so many doors for him. “Traditional schooling in athletic training and sports medicine is focused on primary and secondary school sports programs,他说. “But I wanted more and never wanted a particular setting or patient population to limit what I was capable of doing.”

Dr. Wildes started his career working in professional baseball and later began working with Team USA Olympic and national team athletes. 在周游世界数年之后. 怀尔德斯开始寻求工作与生活的平衡, so he shifted settings again and moved into performance medicine with Cirque du Soliel. 这段经历为运动医学引入了新的技能.

“It taught me a lot about the importance of an integrative approach to manual therapy and helped to improve my emergency management skillset,他说. “Each show, act and performance required a different problem to be solved. The emergency management aspects of the job provided a great opportunity for problem solving skills for each individual emergency action plan we were creating. Those experiences made me a better provider by making me more well-rounded both in the clinic and out in the field.”

Dr. Wildes said working with Cirque du Soliel also provided the biggest shift in his personal mindset. He believes his job is to ensure each artist feels good and can focus on performing at their best, 不管这对他们意味着什么.

“绩效指标的概念非常不同,”他说. “There’s no traditional KPI in this setting; the objective is just put on a ‘good show.“好对每个人来说都是主观的.”

几年后, the journey to earn his 博士学位 presented an opportunity to find a new setting and patient population to work with: the U.S. 空军. 专注于人的性能优化,博士. Wildes worked with the military special operations warfare divisions, 和脊椎按摩师一起工作, 物理治疗师, 体能训练师, 运动医师和 力量和调节 综合护理专家.

在完成博士学位后. Wildes saw an opportunity to become a medical concierge for entertainers and residency artists in Las Vegas. 现在,随着泰勒·斯威夫特:时代之旅. Wildes finds his past skills and work experience in the fields of sports medicine, 运动训练和手工疗法的融合.

“In sports, you would always aspire to be better than the competition,他说. “但不是在性能上. 没有竞争,没有每周的比赛准备. 感觉就像土拨鼠日. 你想让每一场表演看起来和感觉上一场完全一样. In these embedded positions, you have to become creative in the therapeutic approach. You have to keep patients engaged, and I have to keep myself mentally engaged, too. I might see patients for an hour-long visit five to six days a week, whereas traditional therapy may look more like 12 visits over six weeks. 所以,这是创造性思维的真正转变.”

在美国期间.S. 艾拉斯之旅的一站. Wildes traveled to 28 cities for 50 shows where he was primary responsible for the artists and crew. “The production staff alone is more than some university athletic rosters, 包括后台助理, 衣柜, 灯光和索具,他说. “从本质上来说, 我尽我所能帮助任何部门, provide guidance on exercises and deal with the issues that come up acutely.”

Dr。. Wildes has been impressed with is the work-life delineation that’s been established as part of the performance culture. “On this level, everything is so honed like a well-oiled machine,他说. “Everyone is conscious of each other’s own time and respects personal time away for family. 即使你和一个国际巨星合作, it’s nice knowing there is a good separation of work time and personal time.”

当他不在路上工作或自己消遣的时候. Wildes is in front of Logan students sharing real-life experiences. He said the biggest benefit of his current work experiences is the ability to open students’ eyes to the possible employment opportunities after graduation.

“当你在一个专门的项目, you can have blinders on and may be thinking this is the only way it can be done,他说. “Being in so many different settings has given me an opportunity to work with so many types of practitioners. We all have the same goal, but we may have different titles or techniques to help us reach our goals. 这是一种综合方法, and it’s helped me see outside the box as far as learning and having a more fluid experience with my patients and other practitioners. 生活中的任何概念都是如此.”

Dr. Wildes said he appreciates the timing of his decision to become an instructor around 2018 when Logan was making the shift from a 脊椎按摩疗法学院 去一所脊椎按摩和健康科学大学. “I loved being on the ground level of the program and to see how much it has grown in such a short time,他说.

The Eras Tour is making its way around the globe until August 2024. Dr. Wildes may never know what the next call will bring but until then, 他喜欢他遇到的每一次经历.

“展望未来, I’m most excited about expanding on the concierge medicine business model and helping put other integrative therapists on tours or with shows while exploring different settings,他说. “I’d also like to continue inspiring students at Logan through my experiences and let them know they have so many options after they graduate—they have skill sets that are valued across many different settings.”